I absolutely love your depth and lighting. It's amazing. ^agreed, Some of the effects are a bit poor and messy, but it still looks great...
lmao yeah, that place was a blast for a while haha.
Funny how i remember almost all of these lol. Keep improving dude.
Woah, just spent the better half of an hour looking through about a 100 pages worth of threads haha. Brought back a lot of memories :D. Really...
OK i stole an idea from stoj :P. Make a photography thread for everyone first of all, and if it takes off then think about a contest?
Good point, I see that could be a problem. I kinda like this idea, and though it might be a pain in the arse it would solve a few problems. I...
Hmm, I agree, It can be tricky - but IMHO photography is much less about skill, or even practice (although it certainly does help), but just about...
So I was thinking, whilst SOTW has run dry over the past couple of weeks there's now no Graphics contests on the site - and whilst that's down to...
Thanks for all the comments guys :).
YouTube - Call of Duty: Black Ops Single-Player Trailer
[IMG] Ouch. CnC is great, though i realise i haven't exactly been active recently. Apologies, but i can't really promise otherwise I'm afraid.
YouTube - Sprattyyy | Style o.O Easily the most underrated Call Of Duty player out there, he deserves so many more subscribers!
Found this video posted on another site, and at first I was quite doubtful of it's credibility, but it looks like they are being serious with...
Please tell me your joking! IMO it's great, the only thing i might change is maybe make the last "With the lights out" black or a darker colour...
Does ghost make you invulnerable to dogs? Awesome haha, after seeing more in-depth on theatre, it does look quite cool, and very helpful for...
Agreed. From what they showed us in the MP trailer it really didn't show anything compared to what we know now, and i did jump the gun on my...
Valkyrie Rockets are the predator missile type things that you see on the multiplayer trailer. Basically, you get a care package that contains a...
Hey dude, i jumped the gun on Black Ops, it's probably going to be a great game, i just wasn't convinced of Treyarch's capability. Anyway, I'm not...
Haha, i would have to agree with this. From what i've seen from Hutch's gameplay, the game looks to be much more polished than MW2 ever was, and...
Thanks mate, what about simply getting a pc with 2GB of RAM, then when i get more money adding more. I should probably have said i want this PC...