thanks. i think someone over at rendered it for me.
Hello i was wondering is there any way you can render an film without being a bungie pro member? The film i am trying to render is only 2 minutes...
Hey you always do interesting things. this really reminds me of the orbital space elivator from ODST. How much budget do you have left? cause it...
superb map. not to big and not to small. you may consider making a v2 and posting it in the aesthetics section...
Hi, yah my post got flagged as spam and i got a notification. SO i shall be more percise. I love the bottom part of the map which feels a bit part...
Another Amazing map. i love the spirals...
Would it work well for Infection?
looks amazing. I will dl. if the interior is a nice as the exterior i say this will be one of the best star wars maps ive seen
Hi, ive hung around forgehub for a while now and i was wondering if anyone can do me a favour and post a map i made as my computer's broken so i...
You need to post screen shots. use this
looks fun. Would also be cool with rockets and a bigger area to fly for the falcon.
This looks brilliant. I love the concept. It looks simple but easy to play.
It looks fricking amazing, anyway you can upload more screenshots?
Can you upload bigger pictures?
please say your submitting this to the bungie forge contest. cause its amazing.
Hey, i realize you are new to forgehub. i am sorry to say that your thread isnt up to forgehub standards. you need at least one picture. follow...
Its a great concept, me and my firends play with unlimited jet pack and swords on the cage. Maybe making the walls out of individual windows, or...
If you want people to download your map put more photos up..... I am intersted in your map and your description is good, add that to the OP...
Titan is right. If you understand how to make a basic Invasion map like htis one you could go on and make a crazy cool looking map. Look at...
Looks great, is this based of MW2 by any chance. One idea i have for you is moving the attackers base to a different location as the hanger looks...