I love multi-team! But ill be honest, this map doesn't have as good of a support for it as it should. No cameras for anyone after blue n red and...
Oh im in on this action jackson!
The new bookmark on my fileshare. Changes: Removed spawn point outside of map. Changed colors on a few blocks Added more spawn points Added...
Toastman updated SUB-SYSTEM with a new update entry: Version 1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
Fun Fortress did an FFA playtest a bit ago with 4 others and the only time he mentioned framrate was when on the very top of the map above the...
Thanks! I always try hard to establish a theme in my maps. Not sure on the Gears reference since I didnt play multi on those. P.S.: I got the...
Im surprise anyone remembers it really! Glad of your appreciation! Ill be playing tonight so perhaps I can get a custom game going.
Toastman submitted a new map: SUB-SYSTEM - Red Line has free drinks. Blue Line has complimentary pillows. War was inevitable. 4-8 Players This...
Entry updated with waypoint download link. This map is my go to template when establishing myself with the newest iteration of Forge. I first...
I can increase the lighting intensity if people feel like its too dark to play properly. I had a small FFA playlets last night and no one playing...
EDIT: Map upload tool finally worked for me in a different browser. Official map page here: http://www.forgehub.com/maps/sub-system.970/ (This...
But they are playable spaces so i dont want them moving. there are weapon spawns and hills inside them. Also, there is a cave in and broken...
ALready did since those screens :)
Hmmm... I did not see any option to hide trait zones from radar. And those stupid ramps! I line em up using coords. then i save n quit. Hop...
Rockets have a 3 minute respawn on them so they just cause a spike of damage and then are gone most of the time. id imagine that 4 on 4 it...
Thanks for checking it out. I have no more budget for windows because the coliseum walls took it all up... I put trait zones on the projectors...
Ok i put my second beta on my fileshare. t0astman is my gtag.
Earth is in space just like this asteroid. It goes...beneath the surface at some point. The boarding area however, is above ground :)
The lighting was a worry for me but the reality while walking around isn't so bad. these iphone pics have too much contrast. in-game it looks...
EDIT: I posted the preview here because I had read that it was allowed until the real map forums open. If I am wrong then let me know where to go...