Agreed, yet, I'm not 12, I'm 19, I can use a deeper and old voice, just need a script to sample my voice. Believe me this, I'll do any type of...
Send me some information about it in a pm. I'll be interested in helping as best as I can.
Lol, well I'll be gone when it comes out, and if someone wants to make a map, if they have it, I'll pay them for each map that I use. LD: I...
Yes, I know, do you know if Reach has a theater and forge mode? Lol
Alright, here's what's up. I will be gone for seven months, deployed to Afghanistan, when I get back, I am going to be making a Machinima that I...
Sorry about the long wait, yes, I have a good reason. And here it is. June 22 I shipped to Parris Island for Marine Corps Boot Camp. I got out...
A. Don't you think I have tried to get Help from my friends. B. Isn't Halo Discussion normally "Halo Discussion". Which to be quite frank, the...
I need three people who can help me get to a 47-49, or maybe a 50, by tomorrow night. I have a lot of exp, yes, but I know someone can get their...
If people have capture cards and they want to start reviewing maps their self and put them on this channel, I am not going to stop them, all I...
I wrote a script for episode 3, so yes. I know what I am doing, and I knew what I was doing. If you read the posts I made on my thread, you would...
Episode 3 is being uploaded to youtube as I type this. It should be up by tomorrow, my computer's uploading speed sucks, lol, I will happily...
Yeah, I'll put your Gameplay up. I have to add the next episode though first. I only need to take one more review of the map Plunder, then I'll be...
That is how it is suppose to look, yes, you did it right. I will being doing all of the submitted maps now, if you want gameplay as a side...
I will have the newest episode out as soon as possible. My computer was acting weird today when I was trying to record it. iiHeCtic, I'll have...
Sure, if you have MSN or AIM, I'll add you on either and send it to you.
If the footage is on your map, feel free to send it to me. I'll put it on youtube. So yeah, send it to me over Xbl, or provide the link here. I'm...
I picked Tom Brady and it was WRONG, so I tried again, and it was RIGHT, Haha, I beats da G3Ni3
The first few episodes will probably be like that. However, I will reviewing more in depth when I get more episodes done. I have never been the...
Sure, if anyone wants to be apart of the gameplay (which will be on youtube:P) just send me a message. :) I will download now and start the...
Thank you, and also, thank you for submitting your map in. Hopefully people will subscribe (which will dedicate me to keep going). Continue to...