Its unfortunate that you ran out of money for the top, I like how it is now, but it could use a bit more stuff on it, other then that, great job....
LMFAO OMG that is hilariouz XD
oh ya and if you do do that remkae make sure you make a full sized version of blue room.
I really liked this remake its too bad you ran out of items, you should try the save and end game trick and made a better version.
I really liked the idea of this but you couldve pulled it off better, i made some suggestions yesterday about the first room, hope you fix this in...
great map i had alot of fun playing this with you, was wondering when you were gonna post it. 4/5
This map is deffinately my favourite of all your maps but i think the cells should be switch activated, like with 2 big cells otherwise pretty...
Not bad mine are better but you know :P haha my favorite is rainbow because of the many different colors