Haha, apparently we had an argument over something 3 years ago, don't even remember what. My apologies for my old 15 year old self's maturity :)
Hey guys, just wanted to show off my first Halo 4 map :). Composer is centered in the air by the cliffside on the Forgeworld, Ravine. Composer...
Sargeant go ahead and laugh, but if you're gonna mock me about it, that's a dickheaded move. I loved her so much, I liked her for 2 years before...
Yea she didn't break up with me over the poem, she didn't even see it, she had to "Find herself" Even though she had a new bf not even 2 weeks...
Yea the NEVER part does seem creeperish now that I think about it, but she's told me that we will be together FOREVER, so she shouldn't be creeped...
lol thanks Shanon =D
EDIT: She broke up with me this morning =( But go ahead and read it still, even though it was a waste My Girlfriend's 17th Birthday is in 2...
"have" the race, a boring "think" to watch? Geese man, learn to spell. NASCAR can have lead changes every 5-6 laps, sometimes even less, you...
Pokemon by far. Bakugan is all, field open! Roll a ball! Place a card down! Yell! Place a Card down! It's like there is no strategy to it AT ALL.
Just to say, not everyone can drive oval well. Anyone can drive road course as well. I have personally raced both Oval and Road Course and found...
If NASCAR isn't, than F1 isn't neither, little of people know, those Ovals put TONS of stress on drivers.
I personally believe they are. People who say otherwise obviously have not gotten close to a Motorsport or have learned about it. Take NASCAR for...
We have seen TONS of these L4D styled maps. I do say this one does look different though, I will need to check it out to see what sets it apart...
Wow! This is something original, this is what I like about Reach's Forge, so many different ways to make a map. And this one is looking awesome,...
Strained is my favorite by far, I love enclosed maps with trees in them, it adds flavor in my opinion. A tip though, when you release the pack,...
If it was an FFA game, make sure those Initial Spawns are set to no team. If that's not the issue, it might be that there were more people in the...
I like this Remake a lot. Most people who try to remake maps, such as myself, usually wind up adding stuff in and changing the map way to much,...
Now to start things off.. Please no hating on me for plaing P0kemanz, but the games are just so much fun =D. Now what this is, is a League held...
How do you make it to where attackers spawn at a certain area and defenders spawn at another area. All I see is team colors, I have a map to where...
If you see in some Forge Videos, the gigantic wall piece that everyone seems to be using is awesome. Now people think you can only have like 4-10...