Jack 19, college, like to forge mlg type maps (love mlg gametypes and maps, but I hate buttmunch MLG players) But I like doing new things. I...
I can only imagine how hard this must have been to make. I haven't even given this a thought as to how to make... I'll download it and see what...
Very clean remake of Hang 'em High! although it looks a bit wierd how the shotgun bunker has the banks barely touching the block. Other than that...
I figured there would be a large risk/reward ratio to get to the Falcon, but I fixed the lack of cover on the left side.
After The Flood took the first Forerunner world, a team of scientists set up this base to observe the parisites' every move.... Root Canal is a...
Southwest Florida
I'll take some more screens then and see if I can get some video of it in action
Map Title: Brawl Box Bloody fights regularly occur in this map's cousin, Sandbox... This takes it all a level up. Or is it down? Download Map...
So yeah I'm Jack obviously... I chose my name because I like Macs even though they're not perfect(but no computer really is). You could just call...