Woah! Im not very good at halo myself so dont really know hw good they are but i have not a single chance at getting no-scope but they look insane!
These screenshots are all good! My favourite has to be the second, although i think i have sen a few times but that doesnt stop me liking it!
I love it when maps have nice, original names lol. I love the map, some good, neat interlocking anf forging skills porved and topped off with some...
this map is awsome for zombies abd your gametype is good and believe other gametypes would work aswell, some like oddball very well although you...
Looks challenging yet fun and if the comment above then very well done. I will dl and check it out for myself and edit my post later.
This map is so fun, played with 5 other friends and was soo fun. Played about 20 rounds of this and was it delevered. It is made to perfection...
It looks great I love the improvements good work. I downloaded the second version and disliked that bumpy corridor too. It looks much better now,...