thx peoples! anime halo, do u remember a title of one? i'd like to try it out
mm, i tried getting a video, but my usual video guy isnt doing them anymore.. :( but if u seriously need a video to decide weather or not to...
you can attempt to make it smooth by clicking in the left or right thumb sick, i cant remember which right now, and you'll notice that the peice...
This race is one of five gametypes in my Relic Games map which include four other minigames in one map, in one location. If you would like to...
Map Name: Relic Games Gametypes: Haloball, Griffball, HaloChess, Race, Snipers Player Count: HaloBall(1-4), Griffball(2-8), HaloChess(2),...
this track was really well made. i liked how u made all the pieces smooth and make it look good too like the orange and yellow tunnels. even the...
its pretty amazing how its possible to make great track even from unaligned pieces and roads nice job, and fun fun
i really liked this track. awesome work. especially the glass bridge is just cool. really like part before the last checkpoint too.
this was a fantastic track. the truck is just awesome, the flow and traps were excellent too
*bump just for the goodness of the community it seems more active and helpful replies to maps now than it was back then. cool beans
dang is that a forge program your using or did u actually draw all those?
oh wow that would be an awesome idea for a flying race map! if i ever decide to forge another race i'll do it, tho not sure i will forge another :/
@paranoia i never forged/custom game for/in invasion cause i never have a group to play with. would you care to explain what you mean?...
i've had this idea for a while but i dont have time to forge anymore so im giving it up and hopefully someone would implement it. Idea: A map...
mmm gotchya, thanks flamingo :) and thank you xtermin. btw whats a trench run map? or SW trench?
Finally, forge art we can race through :) i havent been able to try it out with a a lot of ppl like in your video, but i still really enjoyed this...
haha very nice! but did you run out of peices or $? it seems like front hood is missing. or maybe perhaps try the "grid" could fit as the...
thanks for the sticky of the week black theorm! but with all these additional views and downloads, i'd thought i'd get more comments :/
i tried out your map last night. the race itself was alright, it was nicely made tho, but your athstecics made it much more enjoyable.
i havent been having much fun on recent race maps recently, but this one finally made me say this was fun. i especially liked the driving on the...