what do u mean I don't spam, I ju7st congradulate people on How good they did on their maps etc.
actually sorry 5/5!
I love the screenshots, very original 4/5
Lol I loved them they were so funny. and btw why the hell does everyone think effects make the pictures better!? the most downloaded ones are...
I like your pictures, but i found some of them were too bright, or were to dull, you can fix that, just tips for next time:)
Hey Everyone at Forge Hub, I am just curios on what Armour you gamers wear on halo 3. Just a curiosity, and its interesting to know what other...
I am looking forward to your future maps:)
What an awesome map, I love it. But, the only down side for me is I don't have the mythic map pack YET, but I will get it next weekend:D EDIT by...
I have no visitor messages lmao.
awesome editing, and I am looking forward to your next maps in the future. thanks.
Nice! Very creative and looks like a great map for most playlists.:) yeah and btw... what is the point having the ghost there? lol