thanks..i had a feeling that this might have been found but chekc around couldnt find anything..ill edit my post and let people know i...
Top mid to top blue jump on guardian . i stumbled across it while jumping around like a madman in frustration of my girlfriend not listening to...
hes has a point if this did have its own thread there would be too many maps in one thread for people to bother doing anything..they would see a...
poeple who steal maps are pathetic..alot of thought time and hard work goes into most maps and other ppl think thety cna jsut steal it..stupid
yeah it seems to be a campers paradise and its always who sees who frist that mostley determines the end result of a battle. it does look like...
omg epic..this is merges perfect everyime..i remember when i used to merge on foundry it would turn out slanted sometimes but this comes...
thanks man i apreciate the help
thanks for the comment on my page..the link says page cant be found when i click it but thanks for the thought anyways..ill use search abr see if...
thanks for giving it a try nutekiller. yeah i built the map to be symetrical since its the best way to make it fair for both teams i normaly make...
thanks for the video..i cant watch videos on this pc so ill have to check it out when i get on my main pc. but thanks in advance becuase im sure...
thats not a bad idea having some more up high areas apreciate the feedback about another way up..there is another way up..i thought about people...
hey thanks for the comment i apreciate it..i realy wanted to put in more cover but i ran out of ideas..i had a couple friends come in and take a...
Pitfall v1-100% complete so this is my 2nd map i have posted on forge hub..the first one being a bit successfull in the area of feedback..i got...
i will do that..ive been working on a map called PITFALL wich is designed for Ts and flag ill use that as a test for the reverse flag thing and...
okay so i was thinking today about what kind of map i can create..i wanted somthing diferent somthing that will WOW poeple wich realy isnt gonna...
it would be a nice touch to have some of the classic final fantasy shine through but i think square enix want the franchise to move with the...
no DC is not the same as marvel...DC gave us heroes such as batman super man etc.. while marvel gave us spiderman,fantastic 4 etc.. and star...
well i never played any multiplayer for halo 1 and 2 so i dont know about any of them maps.but my faorites for ahlo 3 are: 1.The Pit 2.gaurdian...
um what does it realy matter about a contest for recon?? everyone is gonna get it anyway once the next 3 maps are realeased and odst..they said...
god whats with all the ranting about my damn spelling i told u why i have trouble spelling and sorry but ive only been a member 2-3 days i didnt...