I'll get some more pics up, there is a ghost and 2 mongooses in infection and just a ghost on any other gametype. I think the weapon balance is...
Its not an aesthetic map, its a machinima set which is categorized as aesthetic, which is why it is in the aesthetic category. Other then that,...
First of all, the numbering system for minesweeper is simple... other then that, looks like a great map, i have it queued and can't wait to try it...
Jesus christ, you keep making these over and over again and they're all amazing, i agree with the first post you should make a competitive map...
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Map looks great, I don't think it wouldve went better in the canyon, is it playable on invasion?
Your thread needs to have embed pictures or it will be locked. Use imageshack.com to embed your pictures.
Amazing map, love the aesthetics can't wait to play this with some friends, i love the tree centerpiece and the lights =3 I would love to see this...
Subway By: x SilenT UsP o You live in a small town with only one entrance, the Subway. There is an infection going around that makes people into...
I really think I could of done a lot more with this with a bit more money and some pallets, you know, spice it up a bit =D
Wow, just amazing I tested this with a few friends and we absolutely loved it. My favourite was sonic, rolling all over the place. =] I would...
You escape the cells through vents at the top. =O
Lockdown By: x Silent UsP o, JB JACKLE Lockdown is a cops and robbers map made by me (x SilenT UsP o) and my friend (JB JACKLE). The actual...
I've been getting this error for quite some time, can someone please tell me how to MAKE it compatible?
wow, that looks pretty cool, how'd you do it?
Wow the first one looks sick, i could never do something like that with weapon art :P good job
I dont get it, how is it supposed to be funny? its been done many times before and better, too much light doesn't look very good, not bad if these...
Not really, it only took me like 10-20 minutes anyway
If would have to be remade, this ones kind of sloppy i didnt work very long on it