i like the idea of the custom kinda out there in the open so then its a battle to get it, you can either just charge and they will kill you...
yeah, im feelin you map, looks well put together. nice job man
TESTIFY - DOWNLOAD slot #1 Testify is a v3 of my first map and it is a symmetrical map. It is best for MLG CTF and TS. Download it and play a...
this map is a lot of fun with ONS v6 or v5 gametype. BUMP
so you think take out the barricade? what should i replace it with? or do i just leave it open?
honestly...i dont even care.
i like it, looks pretty original and fun.
oh i see. good thinking. i like your style
well if you are good at halo ill play with you, but if you are terrible ill still be your friend and all but i probly wont wanna play with you. so...
.........WOW. Props bro, you nailed it. This map looks amazing. I can tell you spent plenty of time on this map. I can see this map going into...
u could have some more/better weapons on it rather than just a shotgun basically but the map i think looks fun for 3v3 slayer or ball
delete this thread plz ty
i like the look of the map, the blue room looks a little off scale but i'd have to play it to see it first hand. for advice i'd say do what people...
check out my map called LACUNA
thanks for the comments everyone! a few quick questions: did you download it and play a custom on it? did you enjoy it? Thanks
EDIT: Ignore the headings above the pictures besides overview, for whatever reason they are wrong and i am aware that there are two identical...
I made this map today it was inspired by onslaught and I need some testers because i cannot test it myself because my xbox live isnt working. So...
idk cuz i was told its not mlg material so i just put in in competitive maps after i heard that.
thanks for your input, any suggestions on what to put near the central arch? i dont understand the name either, i just gave it something. i cant...
i made a new map in crypt in and its a CTF and TS map, its a lot like onslaught but it has its own originality. It is in my fileshare #1. GT:...