[IMG] Took the picture at Justlesss House :D
ohai thar. :)
Heya honey, ILY. <3 <_< >_> *surprise press*
Ohohohoho. Sooooo he really talks about me? Teehee how flattering. <3 Mmm. I'm doing good. All happy-happy-joy-joy-ness. <3 How are you doing? c:
Hallo all! I feel very welcome here! <3 Thank you for the warm welcome. *group hug* *without Kidbomber* *tackles everyone*
Sooooo, heyheyhey I am Muse. Though, according to him, most of you will know me as~~~(drumrollplzkthx) Kidbomber's girlfriend! o: Teehee. Well,...