This map is great! I downloaded and played it all the way through, it’s a fun map. I had to go into forge mode to find the puzzles answer, kind of...
Nice, the map looks sick. I have managed to do quite a bit of it. This map must have taken ages to complete with all the geomerging and the detail...
This map is stunningly beautiful and plays just as well as it looks. Excellent job on the landscape environment and everything else, what really...
Yea clean up the front of the airplane, and I think you will be ok….infection game type would be nice with this.4/5
Me and some buddies played this today and it’s actually quite a fun map and seemed to offer a good balance between attackers/defenders. My...
This switch looks cool, I think It would work good in a slayer map or infection map…I would like to see more pics tho.