forge should be like this i think they should have map creater also so you can go and create a map save it and then go into for pick the map you...
no brutes maybe probably gonna be no brutes because the brutes came in halo 2 unless you just never encounter brutes in one but idk ill let it be...
dead zebras!! one that i found is on uplift reserve after the first part with the wraiths if you keep going in the right direction and go through...
i think this map is awsome i was a little lost in the beginning when i was under ground but i eventualy relized were i was lolz wasome map
pretty cool
i like it a real good balanced game nice scenery too
wow good job. nice use of the tin cups
hey nice map but yea like the others said a little bor cover of some small builldings or a tower would make it 10 times better nice idea tho