I dl it play a 2v2 on it and it played awsome except for the teleporters. you should make a v2 with none or just make it so that the other team...
I really like it the best game type for the map that i found out is TS. I think if you made it multi leveled it would be 10 times better for hill....
I think its not the best remake but its well good . I think it would of been amazing if you put a roof on top becuase i dl it and my gay friends...
this is really original, and also really neatly forged. But i think that this map would be 10 times better with things falling on the ghost from...
It is easy but remember he didint make it on sandbox or foundry so i think therefor it is awsome. And btw i beat it in 2 minutes lol cause im kind...
Although its pretty messy i am sure it still runs pretty nicely. Also i like the kill ball placement because it will make for an epic jump. i like...
Im not sure but i dont think any gametype would work with this except for infection, this is because of those three randomly placed turret in...
Wow nice map it looks mad fun to just chill with some friends in a custom. The way you come up from the spawn is really sick nasty ville. lol...
looks like it would be a real fun custom when bored with a few friends...The map itself is a little messy but im sure it doesent affect game play...
The map itself looks alright ,looks like you rushed it. I think that sniper spawn shouldint be where it is,and if u do get sniper you most likely...
Its an allright attempt at remaking peasant hunt. It looks like this version is a bit too small and you did not really doo anything different then...
I downloaded it ,played a custom 2v2 on it and the way to get to shotgun to canister hallway is genius. I think that both the snipers should have...
Its an awsome idea i tryed it with a chopper instead of a warthog and it you were right its 10 times better. I should try making a map with that...
This map is the mostt addicting jump/obstacle course ever. I played it a couple of times and the farthest i got was in the sky bubble the second...
I played this map like 2 days ago the first couple parts were easy, but then i got up to the respawn area and jumped down one of us got stuck down...
Wow map looks definitely feature worthy! I actually went on halo CE last week and i played a 1v1 on prisoner, and this map looks like an exact...
Its an alright attempt at remaking guardian (I don't think that you should of redid guardian though, you should of made a custom map.) Top mid...
Looks mad sweet bro. I like the flow of this map, it has a feel of lockdown. Also i know you said that theres too much power weapons but the...
I once made a map like this but it was terrible. PROS: This map looks super smooth and well forged. CONS:If the zombie has a sniper it can...
Looks like a sexy beast...The side with the tube corners looks nice.The only flaws is that some parts look a little open, maybe a v2