Ouch. Be nice, guys. It looks good. And don't worry; one of my maps had the same problem with pics, but it's all cool. Looks good, lots of...
Overall, I give it 5 out of 5 squirrels. <br> <br> :squirrel_giggle: :squirrel_rocking: :squirrel_wink: :squirrel_chatting: :squirrel_jaffa:
The self-praise is kinda unnecessary for most people, but with you I'd say it's acceptable. Phenomenal-looking map, a definite DL. The backstory...
Right now, but it could work with CTF too. SQUIRRELS!! :squirrel_grouphug:
Thanks guys! Really appreciate all the positive (and slightly backhanded) feedback!
....that's awesome! It reminds me of a map from Battlefield Vietnam (PC) Way to go! :squirrel_rocking:
Map Title: Operation Husky The Allied Invasion Of Sicily Download Map; Operation Husky Download Gametype; Allied Conquest [img] Description:...
Re: I Am Legend (Dom Says Oi) While I admire the fact that you tried to break away from the traditional UBER ZOMBIES + BASE = HUMANS FTW formula...
Re: Traxus Co. v2.0 Too true. All too often forge maps lack true style or detail. It's understandable when all you resources are needed for that...
Mine is actually really lame. In Spanish class freshman year, we all had to have Spanish names. Mine was Rafael, shrotened to Rafa. I didn't know...
Nicely done! I like the idea of a destructible vault. Also, impressive interior building! Way to go!
Well, here goes. Map Title: Ductwork "....what's that sound?" Download Map Description: Ductwork is a unique Infection map. Nearly every...
It all seems a bit too..........complex. I understand the goal, and I applaud his ingenuity in the implementation, but the average LIVE player...