Would be more awesome if you could use a spartan lazer like the stick.. 5/5
Nice Grunt hostage =P
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Monster-Track Liked the name, It's not a racing map! Download Here Map- Monster-Track Gametype- Heavy Gear [IMG] The Full Map, in the...
Old, New and Awesome Map Pack Download here- This Map Pack includes- Airport (Updated) Airport [Remix] No Mans Land Rally Point (Gametype)...
These maps are 1 year old i just updated them to show of to you guys.
Trash Can is my own Jenga Tower is edited my me i put must of the things there except for the tower and the wall every other thing is mine
No. Things spawn in a matter of sekunds so you have to be Quick These maps are 1 year old i just updated them to show of to you guys.
1 Zombie kills everyone Have fun Best with 3+ Players Map- Trash Can Are you pissed about people destroying the nature with their trash. Well...
My saW maps is all about getting to the TV at the end those who do win easy as that. Maps - saW (Insane) Spawn point [IMG][IMG] Can you...