I love the second one. I like campaign a lot but i find it to much of a hastle especially the no rewind part, so props to you.
I can never get the hill to look like that :/ Nice screenshots :D
I am going to have to agree with E Dee but i would like to add the first one is trippy as hell
That first one is sexy :)
Alot of them seem to bright IMO. My favourite would have to be In the Shadows it has a certain feeling.
Holy moly i can't believe it took 3 pages for someone to say it i new it but it seemed obviou because you can see the bottom part. Theres a guide...
You know there is a guide for this in screenshot guides its not your little secret or anything. And i like the 2nd one.
Don't say hello say i listen to Joe (from local radio station) Ya ima vote for Joe
I like pinstripe the best i love the effect.
Did you specify how mny entries i can put in? Shadows [IMG]
I'll see wat i can do before the end of the week
You never cease to amaze me. I love the lights in fear it just looks so cool.
O man that is a great picture I love it, but what is with the random turret? Mind sharing how u did that, my gues invis + Gravity hammer trick.
The ones with the landscapes in the background are the best of the bunch IMO. I don't really get the last 2 on avalanche though.
This was old and not staged but i still like it Tell me what u think [IMG]
Just messin around for the most part tell me what you think Plz Comment and rate [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Mind telling me where you took fadeaway? I just know its on last resort. PM me
Most of these are good my favorite would have to be fade away. 8/10 Don't call urself awsome :/
2 brand new shots posted for your viewing pleasure. Tell me what you think. [IMG] [IMG]
Pretty cool that your dad gave you some hook ups