I love this map. Beutiful geomerging. And the maps assetics are awsome to. But I do agree in such a small map that active camo and overshield are...
When you get to know everyone on your floor and they know you it's like living in a neiberhood, and we left are doors oben alot. So, I wouldn't be...
This is what i don't get about your argument. The benifit of having a website like this is so we can combine are creative ideas and improve our...
The whole cross thing I really don't get it either. I think some folks are just think if you pay penece in the game the horrible themes and...
awsome looking map, It seems like you really took your time with the details. Great mergeing. I'd say your on the right track this being your...
Wow, Iv'e been playing this one for a while it deffinetly deserves a feature. It's smooth and fun to play on. Great job. and congrats on the...
Thanx for all the positive feedback and the suggestions. Unfortunatly due to object constraints I can't do a few of them. But I did as many as I...
This is true but.....looking at any of the previous examples, did you see any smooth or clean forging making the picture look professional....
I've seen religious photos in the past but the forging is always crap. So I thought I'd share this. This BTW doesn't impart in anyway my...
On the same argument I dont see the point of an Aesthetic map but I did it anyway.
you know I was thinking that and though iv'e never seen it i would have no problem posting a 2.0 of the map with that changed
I myself am not christian but in studing history predating christianity people still found strong significance in crosses. So i dont think its...
[IMG] This map was created as a audition piece to my capabilities in forge, with limited time. I spent about 5 hours on this(mostly due to the...
YouTube - Bl00D F1R3's Forge School Episode 10: Sandbox Merging nuff said
Version 2.0 is out for comsumtion and alot of problem have been fixed as well as giving blue base a 2nd and 3rd way to get the third floor,...
I would love to see an open canvas map with a split in the levels. For instance you look at sandbox's skybox/crypt They are perfectlly flat making...
First ill start by saying that the center structure is well done, and looks amazing. I recommend you try no to emulate Guardian too much. But if...
check this out if I put a box in the air and I want another box on the same level without taking the time to stack, or dealing with the...
Has anyone else since found that tin cup is by far the most usefull tool bungie has given us since permanet scenery. It defies gravity and...
the double boxes are your best bet. But if you want to make it clean you may need to geomerge!