my bad... sry i actually found out just right now that it does work sry for the unconvienynce
the link for the map and gametype doesnt work really really good and neatly merged map though
There was very little merging done on this map. Thelayout is supposed to be the interior of a pyra mid after thousands of years. I felt the gaps...
how do u merge things in the sand
nice map im not a big fan of star trek but i love the whole concept and structure of the map 5/5
I agree with Shroomz but not all infection games are like that most r just 4 the fun of it but in this case.....Shroomz is right this a chatroom bec. im on right now and clicked on a halo 3 map cat an mouse an it led me here..
kinda good map but needs some improvement on alot of places because its pretty plain
Good map...but it needs a gametype because this looks like something that would go in the competative section here on forgehub..I love the map...
High School *High school is a map variant made by me,KoGxStr8Ribbonx, It is played with the gametype(what else) Teacher. It's an amazing map(I'm...
I dont have my Xbox360 with me at the moment you guys...sorry. so it may take up to a week,tops,for me to give the screenshots and the link to you...
MY foundry infection based map is played with the gametype teacher. It is my first map posted on forgehub but not the only map i ever made. If you...