It wasnt set up only one had a mouth guard and thats because he has braces but if you think its set up then your just dumb because you can see the...
it all started with this girl they were arguing about and then this happened YouTube- John And Cody Throw Down
they should just remake everyone and make it 1 huge map pack for 1600 points i would buy it for sure im prettey every other halo fan would
reminds me of the scene from alien
un orginal if i had a dollar for every picture ive seen like this
tottaly did this way back except with ray charles ive seen it with helen keller before so i say un original plus its not really that funny
im not giving out the effect yet its very simple though
Welcome to forgehub . read the rules or you will get an infraction like me and be banned from the chatbox and offtopic section havea nice day
it does that with any armor
There is a lot of stuff here File Hippo
Ok so today when i woke up i looked on my friends list on the dashboard and saw that my friend was in a party with a guy who had ODST armor and...
i will put link in yea i really didnt know that was going to happen or i would have had a different weapon
i looked over the thread and either you are the guy who made the instinct pumpkin will win i like yours better though be cause you actually carved...
these are what i got after the second time trying it. i will go from my least favorite to favorite idk what to call it [IMG] i call this one...
yea and you have to throw the barrals in his mouth gaw that was hard
i lol'ed but saddest thing is definatley 3 guys 1 hammer which i will not even get in to because il probaby get an infraction and plus i dont...
i really havent tried to do any better i figured someone else has already found it
OK so i found this effect by accident if noone has found it then i claim it even though its not that great but it does look pretty badass imo here...
its a code that they hand to you in when you preorder and the demo will be realeased for all on the 3rd