Porkstein, I wanted to show with this map that you don't have to interlock every single piece on the map for it to be good, I did use...
I definitely wanted the map to have a close range feel while still appeasing all those br users out there. The firebomb was an experiment, but it...
Thanks, did you have anything to add to that or any criticism? I love criticism because it gives me new ideas for a v2 of the map.
I might consider putting down something that would allow you to get to the top of the columns in a v2 of this map, i still don't know if I like...
Btw, pyro666 you can grenade jump up to the top of the red columns, you don't really get any more of an advantage up there though. I never really...
Has anyone heard of the group Forgers Forever? This is a group on Bungie.net that is much like Forge Hub and like the sticky map database on the...
Metallica does in fact rule, it is true. Glad you guys like the map.
Lololololololol, so true. But yeah I did do testing on this map. Power weapons are the only weapons that people complain about apparently and I...
I appreciate the positive feedback so far, and crispychicken grenades could slip under those arches I guess, but it shouldn't be a huge issue.
Sanitarium Thought to have once been an ancient Forerunner health clinic, this structure now serves a quite different purpose... This is a small...
Oh, it seems I am somewhat of a noob on these forums still, I didn't even think of checking the map database for gametypes. I wasn't really sure...
I'm telling you guys you should try it. I didn't come up with the gametype anyways, I just wanted to put the word out to the community. Btw I know...
Midship King + Fiesta King I've been waiting for Bungie to release a remake of Midship since Halo 3 came out, and now we finally have it. -This...
Lol, hear me roar.
This map is very aesthetically pleasing. I like the Greek theme going on, name goes well with it. I shall download.
Very appropriate name for this map I think. Looks pretty cool, it looks really nice right where it's sitting too. You get my download.
I've been waiting to see a good remake of Ascension, this one looks good and I especially like what you did in the middle.
This is a link to my map called Sanitarium. Enjoy.