you are new to forge hub i see, you are missing the pictures and you need a better description or you will loose your posting privleges. put the...
you need ammbed pics from photo bucket or you will loose you poasting privleges, get pics and i wail dl
lol your pic is marcas as master chief
nice map dude
nice dude, i am down loading.... like every one else said, these bring back memorys that make me feel all warm inside. maybe you can make some old...
it does you just need to be really good at jumpin!! lol thanks for a dl
dude im a unsc graduate!!!!! yay!
wow the map has like a mirror image!! I just down loaded it a little while ago and my friend and i played 1v1, he beat me only because he had the...
I cant belive I almost missed this map!!! i dl' ed it and played it like 10 times with my friends... keep up the good work, i looked on forge and...
dude i downloaded this map and i have to say, this map was amazing. it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling to hide from zombies and to fight for my life....
dude i loved you new map synthesis!!!
I down loaded the map and the tiki bar made me laugh, hahaha.... also i liked the pool, and the lockers were cool to, you di a good job with the...
I have played this map a few times and i liked how the center was put together, also each end is well thought out and I cant wait to play other...
good map licked every bit of it...
more like project A+, superb
great ctf and slayer, loved it
this map ws so cool for ctf and assault
i played this map and loved it
i play this map on all the time on matchmaking and i love it, i got the splatter spree achievment and road rage on it also!!! keep up the good work
i liked the obalisk part and the first turn, the map was very neat and well thought out!!! keep up the good work....