Hey all, thanks for the continued feedback. So I did a version update on the map. I think I fixed the spawning issue during objective games, and I...
So I playtested the map yesterday, and i've decided the mancannons probably do need to be removed, and the map badly needs spawn zones. Expect a...
I see what you mean, its right by ramps in the very back of the base. I'll see what i can do to fix that.
I downloaded this and did a forgethrough. I like the idea and layout, but the upper pathway seems the most protected, contrary to your...
Wow, the aesthetics with the bathroom fixtures are impressive, love the layout. Does it bother you that blue team seems to have much faster access...
The thumbnail pic probably doesn't appear because you linked an image that was too large. Try reducing the size to like 120/240 or that ballpark....
Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad people like the map so far. Let me know of any issues or improvements you may have. Nate, I haven't noticed any...
This map is pretty solid, the man cannons cause damage to your shield and there are some rough edges on the upper level of the bridge. Aesthetics...
Mojito V2 Mojito V2[IMG] Place ice in beverage shaker then add in the rum, 8 broken up mint sprigs, lime juice and sugar. Shake well and serve...
Download link should be fixed now, thx for the heads up. :)
First off, I loved that movie, the room with all the razor wire things...creepy. Second, your map is really cool, and very well made, I especially...
Thanks for the input. I was having framerate issues too. I'll try deleting the fusion cores and see if that helps. I don't think I can put a...
Martini V1.3 MARTINI v1.3 [IMG] A Spartan Fireteam fights to reclaim a compromised ONI research facility. Martini is a 3-level, symmetrical map...
what is Z fighting? By the way, sweet remake, I especially like what you've done with the tree. On the other gemini remake i saw, they like, tried...
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll move the sword, that's a good point. Maybe I'll just get rid of it all together...we'll see. I like the...
"Apparently we're looking for a bug nobody's ever seen before...Some kind of smart bug." -Lt. John Rico, Starship Troopers Next Wednesday...
So, the ways back up to the surface involve taking one of two mancannons inside the tunnels, they propel you upwards and through a teleporter that...
Here's why mine's better: 1. It utilizes both the surface and the tunnels. 2. It's built for slayer, ctf, and assault, not just infection. (at...
oh, wow, never seen that before, mine's better though ;)
hey, it seems there are like 10 people checking out this thread right now, so if anyone wants to get a game going on the hive, friend me, my GT is...