I think I've broken the map, and I'm even more sure after watching the first part of the tutorial (to make sure). I got to the hub and went down...
Ok, well this map took me about half an hour to complete (including a couple of breaks) and I have to say well done. I had a great time doing this...
I finished it in about 4 lives. First of all I have to say, stunning map and, despite it being fairly short and quite easy, I had a lot of fun....
I've seen this before, it is indeed a mod.
I haven't been on much lately but one map I have looked at and loved is Veyron by TFx KiLl3r.
I'd like to give it a go :D GT: Birdboy Dom you've already got me added.
This is an amazing map. The layout is very original and yeah, it does play some tricks on your radar :P While the OP was on holiday me and some...
I add my vote to Prodigy by TFx KiLl3R.
Awesome, I've always wanted to see you make a Big Team map - you're great at small maps but I love big team! You've pulled it off very well in...
No I think he's behind the lower wall on the right next to the gold grav-lift.
Looks very good so far, I've always wanted to see you try a big team map - I love 'em :P The layout looks original and good, with good changes in...
Haha these are all so cool, I've never really done anything like that >.< Once I got 4 betrayals purely by accident within about 30 seconds...
I've completed SP and done a fair amount of MP and I've gotta say this game is insane. Alt 1 controls are just so good - I very rarely find...
I would but unfortunately I can't be on at 1AM GMT+0 :( Have fun though.
Haha, I remember that. Me and TFx were both just WTF?!
Haha, Rat's Nest is alright actually. Personally I was going for a feel of the top ring of Construct but obviously with differences. I will be...
I actually built the outer curve in the skybox originally but saw that it would require several thousand more items than I had to create the floor...
The way I see it is that it doesn't matter when it will happen or not, because we can't control it. We should focus on the things we can control...
I see what you mean, sounds good but I doubt I'll have enough items for that. Out of double walls as it is. I'll see how it goes anyways, if I...
I'm not sure what you mean, do you mean wall corners on their side?