Actually, bears are omnivores. They are also one of the most intelligent creatures on the planet. The intelligence of Bears
First off, I'm not attacking any other country. I have a deep respect for other nations, and I certainly do not trust my government. However, I...
But you are speaking in the context that humans are not a natural event, that we are in fact super natural, or above nature. That is where...
Here is a very good article written by Stephen Hawking. You don't have to agree with it, but it is a very good read; Why God did not create the...
You completely misunderstand. We are a part of nature. Therefor, whatever we do is an act of nature. I think people want to identify humans as...
I'm not going to debate the many definitions of the word create. Regardless, we are a necessary stepping stone in the manufacturing of such...
Humans are the tools that nature uses to create that in which it cannot create on it's own. The universe operates through trial and error. How...
It is definitely worth buying. And I'm really surprised at the number of people who haven't played the first one. It's like watching the...
Plastic. :)
I have a strong distaste for organized religion. That does not mean I don't believe in some sort of higher guiding force, but it does mean that I...
I saw a poster of Jim Morrison in the mirror while trying to think of a gamertag. I'm kind of sick of it, but it has history. My other lesser...
I don't think there's anything shady about their practice. There are a lot of submissions, and the extreme number of last minute submissions was...
Given that Atom went through a month of playtesting, it's very possible that Bungie had winners already in mind before even the end of the...
Thank you very much, I'm glad you like my map. And I agree with you, if there is one problem I have with this map is getting the gravlifts...
I always loved Construct, even on the most obscur of gametypes. You have done us a great service with this remake. You have made me a very happy...
Damn, I could look at this map all day. That mirror effect alone is unique and deserves a feature in my opinion.
I love the windows, but I swear I've seen that done before. Hmm...where was that? :p Seriously though, I was wondering if and when someone was...
No, as of right now, only the layout is done.
I don't know if anyone is familiar with Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, but Bridge Too Far was a map from that game. It is one of my favorite maps...
First, what is the Forge Guild? I don’t remember signing up for anything like that. And second, I find your “review” somewhat offensive. If you’re...