the idea is great and runescape was a good game a few years ago. castle wars was among the best parts. i had an idea to make a map for halo that...
honestly.. i dled because of the name lol. but its a great map and really funny.
the aesthetics are well done but shouldnt this be under casual... since its more for infection than "oooooo.... aaahhhhh..."
hey im new to forge hub and all, i joined i think last week. never posted here but i thought why not. id like to get to know some people on this...
Great map :D i didnt like the idea for shooting the pallets so i removed that, i did however keep the eruptions i hope i see this in best mini...
I beleive in evolution, im not going to go into big details. thats just what i think.
i got this map... i was like AWESOME, played on it... and i thought, whats with the roof... its just 3 seconds of "awesome im out... now what" for...
i think of it like this. you didnt steal... you edited the grifball map to make it better. i edit maps all the time. Ivory tower H3, edited the...
What are you guys on about with this map going to aesthetics? I think this would make a fine infection game.
i got a killtacular on mythic swat, i killed their whole team, and spawn killed another one :D, got 2 hard achievements in a row
finally, a way to play on the actual map.. and more.. this is beyond anything ive seen on a map that wasnt intended for forging. This is great. i...
Way of noob: Glitch: How to fly: HaloCaust:...
For Infected Manor, zombies start to overwelm. Your spot gets hasty after a while, a neat trick i picked up was to get 2(makes things much easier)...
i use every one, or around everyone, depends on what im doing. 5-6 for average slayer, 7-9 for swat, 7 for BRs, 3-4 for snipers, 9-10 for swords...
great map, i like how it has a simple structure so its completable in under 30 minutes, the way the track can fit more than 2 and a half people,...