Both. If money's an issue, you could try whoring yourself out on the streets.
I downloaded the Crysis 2 demo, and everytime I tried to enter a Quick Match, my Xbox would freeze right before the start of the match. I tried...
I plan on making a Black Ops montage, but I do not have a capture card. I have six clips in my fileshare, and was wondering if anyone could...
(Please remember that I am in no way endorsing lockers, and have no direct relationship with anyone who is of any importance with the site. I'm...
Thanks, and Spor is a Drum and Bass producer/DJ. Here's my favorite remix of his: YouTube - The Qemists - Stompbox (Spor Remix)
Thrown together pretty quickly in Photoshop. I was going for a grungy effect, but I think I may have overdone it. Tell me what you think. v1...
Both of these games bring a refreshing change of pace to the racing genre, but I don't know which one deserves my money. I played the Split/Second...
The BR sucked, everyone rushed for it and anyone who had it would instantly rape anyone who didn't. And if you're six-shotting people, you suck at...
As many of us know, Noble 6 is replacing a Spartan that was KIA. We also know that Noble 6 likes to go it alone, and in the campaign reveal...
This wouldn't be in the Beta, it would be when the full game comes out. That is stated within the first two sentences. Please read before you post.
INTRO I had the idea yesterday of having a Halo Reach tournament to raise money for a charity. I am announcing this now (even though Reach will...
Yeah, when he said that the rest of my friends immediately declared it true and laughed at me for being the only one to call bullshit.
Today I was in a party chat with some friends playing some Domination when one of them said IW is releasing the Stimulus Pack for free "because...
[IMG] Not much to say, CnC please.
YouTube - biohazardStudiosUSA's Channel
Yeah, thanks. Although, I am 99.9% sure the first Big Daddy was with a Little Sister. Oh well, at this point I'm considering starting the campaign...
Yesterday, I got put into three games; the first two ended within 10 seconds of me joining, and the third literally said, "Defeat, bring it next...
I recently bought Bioshock to see if I would like the second one, and its a pretty sweet game. Everything was going good, I was pwning splicers...
Personally, I would love a multiplayer map based off of the mission "The Only Easy Day... Was Yesterday" (the oil rig map). That's really the only...
Only the last sentence was sarcastic, and I was thinking of an fps SWAT game, but you're the the one making the game, so that's entirely up to...