Hey i was wondering if anyone had a really good cops and robbers map and the game type. i have tried using other maps but i need a map...
i used this method to make a trampoline in mid air with man cannons pointed at eachother. it was real easy once you get the hang of it. kind of...
I thought it was fun. really well put together. i dont like when you just have to hold out with a bunch of weapons in a little room. i like to run...
Gamertag: Billy small44 Times you can get on: around 3-8 week days and preety much most the day on weekends Mic yes/no?: right now no but i should...
Hey i got it to save on my signiture. I think its freakin awesome. but since you said you were going to work on it mabye the only thing that...
I cant tell you guys my gamer tag origin. why not? look at my name and use your imagination.
I downloaded and played with a few of my friends and they loved is so much they made me put it on my file share so they could get it. beleive me i...
Well i really dont care what you do as long as its got billy small and just all attention drawn to the odst.
im making a infection map that REQUIRES doors and i have looked and looked and looked but i still cant understand how to get it to work. can...
The worst betrayal i have had is one of my teamates was screaming around a corner on a mongoose and i was in front of him and i was a few feet in...
i was in til you said "i want to do a michinima but i dont know how"
I always play on 1 because I am always sniping ;) with higher i always over pass moving targets. i hardly ever miss moving targets on 1. i have a...
I got the game the day it came out and enjoyed it so much i played it every time I got on my xbox (sorry halo 3) Everyone said it gets boring but...
I'm fairly new to Forge hub and have been trying to discover how to interlock and merge. i look it up and all i can find is Interlock and...