Is there a way to download saved videos off of a Halo Reach fileshare without using bungies render system? Or is there a way of recording the tv...
It's because of host connection, when online man cannons affect players differently than they affect the host of the game. Try making your map...
Yes you can, bungie going down doesn't effect halo (the game) in any way, it only effects You can add and delete to your hearts content,...
Darn, I may be able to find a way around that. Basket- they only have unlimited ammo, they've still gotta reload though, and the infected have...
I believe you can select an option to do so in the game type editing menu, I've seen it before in a game type called "I am batman".
I have been working on a new map and game type for infection recently and I find that I am in need of some cronstructive criticism and a little...
Gamertag: Sorrinrp Times you can get on: Every weekend (all day) and most weeknights at 10-12 pm (pacific standard time) Mic yes/no?: yes...
Thank you both, very much so, it helps a lot.
This template is usefull but I have a few questions, I am using an iPod to do everything Internet and so I cannot save images and place them into...
you should check the map out before calling it sloppy....the only sloppy-ish thing I see is the overlapping bridges...
Very nice map, love it for swat and infection...
This is a much more solid map then my previous one it is made for predator but it also works on most slayer based game types. This map consists...
I have made more maps that are a lot more solid than this I just put this one on first cause all my friends said it was their favorite for swat...
Hey simply
1. fixed 2. there is a brief summary, no weapons list because it should not matter and it ain't in the rules and no player stats cause I don't...
This is a fun map that's good for swat, slayer, juggernaut and infection. This map is basically a room filled with interlocked objects weapons...