go on bungie.net and type out of orbital and download 1 of the maps
back of the tin cup thingy
you can just spawn a bridge in mid air a bit slanted and put the weapons on that. thats a much easier and fast way
does anyone have a halo 3 montage that i can practice my editing skills on if so can u plz send me the link 2 it so i can download it. also when...
WOW where abouts did u take dem?
great tutorial i done this aswell but my laptop broke so i couldnt upload any pictures/screenshots but you were the first to post it online so its...
nope all wrong its where the rocket launcher spawn where dat big hole is all u need is a flare and some fx but i dnt no wat effect(s) dey r so if...
they are pretty good at least your trying different stuff rather than the plain old explosion effect 4/5 =)
oh im new so i didnt no thanks for the warning tho appreciate it
wow dat is an awsome screenshot do u mind sharing how u done it/got da colours dat dark :)
ok lol i no im not the best screenshot taker in the world but if i find out a new effect or something i love telling people how to do it. :) if...
a little hint as well if u put juicy or gloomy fx on and shoot a rocket @ the spartan/elites back it will look like the spartan/elite is glowing....
a rocket got deflected and blew up in mid air?
the man cannon is green..................................................... ........only joking made u look lol
the second 1s da best one did you throw a plasma or spike grenade at his back with gloomy and colourblind on? pretty good tho 4/5
how did u make it?
thats exactly what i was thinking lol try experimenting more and try and take screenshots ob better looking maps if you are into scenery shots but...
heres mine Mark V Sniper [IMG]
fair enough. your descovery but what map did u take it on