There are MDMA+meth pills a page over on the link I sent (here), but that doesn't really matter. And I'm not *necessarily* pro-legalization, I'd...
Where's my attack on your character? You're a drug user who's worried about your supplier. You stated that all yourself. That's ALL I...
Ghost would be great on Instinct I think. With Roy's BR covering him and all.
a) Adults misinform kids about drugs b) As teens, they find out they were lied to. Most drug users I talk to (and I've talked to a lot)...
i think you are the first. i impressed myself when i came up with the name. god spoke to me and showed me a burning spliff in the desert. he...
It's a good thing that Str8 won. Str8 has all the big corporate sponsorships, and many of these sponsors also sponsor MLG itself. If MLG is to...
MLG gametypes and maps are all balanced very well. You spawn with a BR, you so can always defend yourselves off the spawn. Communication makes...
YouTube - Why Non-MLG Halo 3 Flag Games Are Broken And Crappy
Obviously. It's frickin' retarded.
You need to smoke some weed and relax. It's a streaming video. Edit: I didn't realize I picked up the grav lift because I was sniping the first...
eatHALO Screw Bungie for not fixing this and screw all players that exploit this. It's stupid. MLG is a safe home. BRs and no vehicles,...
6. Finger exercises. Twiddle your thumbs for about two hours/day. 7. Improve reaction time. Stand in a field of floating items (leaves,...
LOL. What's up with the ForgeHub fad of calling every map a "spiritual successor"? So hip and oh so trendy, Trent.
The OP is obviously trolling. Stop encouraging it.
War is evitable. If we have free will, we aren't NECESSARILY INCAPABLE of avoiding violence. If there were a meta-engineer, that controlled...
I was having fun beating up noobs and was singing their names while fragging them. Really beautiful voice. Real horrorshow. Ghost town, the...
I was working on a Colossus remake (realized I would hit budget limit and quit). In Halo 2 I booted up the map and timed approx. how long it took...
The only 360 game I own, other than the Xbox Live Arcade disc that came with the system, is Halo 3. The only other game I own is Halo 2. Except...
Great uses for the Y-intersection tubes!
That's the center piece with four walkways protruding symmetrically. Great work on the forge OP.