I find it outrageous that Joeski got another map into matchmaking. His work is passable at best and I don't see why bungie keep coming back to his...
Holy overreaction batman! While most of the maps in the playlist were very poor choices, I felt there were a few gems. Endzeit, while having a...
Have you tried experimenting with safe havens? With a little tailoring I'm sure you can make it work for you.
This is great work what you've done here, saving people that hate math a lot of time and effort. One thing I've been having trouble with is using...
While I really like the idea presented, I think you should try to make this idea work in a less gimicky was. Instead of just outright killing...
Haha! Funny coincidence, but there was really no thought that went into the name other then "does this sound cool and original?" That's quite an...
Tierra Rojada By: yours truly http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/116129-tierra-rojada.html
It's just the name of a place in California, twisted around a little bit to make it sound better. It's southern California so I assume the word I...
Forge 1 more effecient? Yeah right. Spending 30 minutes getting a rotation I wanted wasn't efficient, and using a second controller to make sure...
Wow fail! Everything should be working now. Sorry it took so long as I've been quite busy. But thank you for pointing that out.
Tierra Rojada What started off as a simple idea quickly turned into the map you're looking at now; make a big team battle map on the island. The...
Abriged The Venetian
How about instead or redoing and rereleasing old maps, why don't Bungie put everything they learned since making the old maps and make awesome new...
This map is tons of fun. The design is awesome, with the bridge being a key part of the map while still not being overused. I especially like the...
Like Titmar, I also had some frustrations with my first time playing this map. It was mostly lack of knowledge and perhaps the gametype (stockpile...
Now I really loved Blood Gulch and Coagulation in previous Halos. Something about Hemorrhage just really make playing on it not enjoyable. To...
Ooh! Glad to see you got this tested. I love the geometry in this map. There's very few places in this map that have flat ground, so it's a really...
Looks great. Sniper platform needs railings, and I love the rock path. It looks so smooth!
From the pictures, I was really expecting a large open BTB map, but what I see is a bit disappointing. Not to knock your map, it looks well forged...
About time. This is a really great map (as it was in Halo 3) and I'm glad to see a small guy getting some recognition.