It is fixed has been for a while check out the new version its here some where in the posts Added after 1: Check the second page and you will...
I did i just fixed it i hit enter to move the bar down and it posted the thread so check it out soon it just got fixed
Alright guys my new city/dock map for testing This is only a test run so wepons and vehicles can be replaced so i will not specifie the weapons...
Sorry to inform but there is spawn points for slayer pro slayyer classic wasnt an option with how big the map is and movment takes twice as long...
The Docks weapons Dmr x10 grenade launcher x1 Magnums x2 rocket launcher x2 shotgun x1 sniper rifle x1 frag grenade x4 energy...
just saying that is counted as spam so please give a detailed report on the map
thanks alot has been updated in three days and will continue to be updated thank you there is 5 intial spawns for each team and there is enough...
well thank you there is 3 places on the map to be a monument to 3 places the blue spawn from your map the ally from turn and the docks from...
infact the insperation did infact come from your map i saw the first pic and i was like for my first forge map i will make my own small city map...
The boundry is in the same form as the gaint wall so if you go up the hill to far you will end up dead but doesnt mean you can mess around in blue...
weapons Dmr x10 grenade launcher x1 Magnums x2 rocket launcher x2 shotgun x1 sniper rifle x1 frag grenade x4 energy sword x1...
ok if i say wow this map is awsome its constructive critism towards that map i cant just come up with the words i need on the button to describe...
im not spamming? im going through diffrent post giving my oppion and im downloading maps that i like. no rules against that. if you dont...
it reminds me of a toilet 0.0 i think im going to make a huge one on sandbox now
amzing its the most authintic collisium iv seen on h3 yet
this looks amazing
these look awsomeeeeeeeee
these look so big im impressed massivly
these look amazing its forgers like you i would like to have in my clan
omg this map was like blam in my face and tould me i should download