Good writeup. Pipeline will be so clean by the time January 16th rolls around.
I was surprised to see a map named warehouse wasnt built in Foundry... It looks incredibly simplistic, and should not be in the competitive...
your map design looks like it almost ended up as a swastika as a small reminder, it's always nice when skybubble maps have rails. since you...
for future maps: do not build directly upon the sky-bubble grid, and avoid using doublewalls for floors. doublewalls shift after saving, making...
i like the architecture. do more with the bases and leave less empty space. also, try to incorporate less jump-ups and more ramps. your map looks...
it looks pretty well forged, but fence walls aren't a part of the MLG item set. Your level also would benefit from more ramps and less jumps....
your map looks like it had very little planning. it has very few base "structures" and is primarily pieces of cover strewn across the crypt. i...
have you experimented with making a tunnel through the middle of the pit? from one base to the other it might be worth trying out it would add...
this map looks so complicated, i don't think i would want to even try to play a serious game on here. i'd get so frustrated being lost all the...
or Conquest... definitely not MLG. not even for warm-ups
Jokes? He says it's based off of a GoW map, and it also looks like Narrows. -- Poster: I see why you put this map in the skybubble, but you...
i suggest more pictures. include an angled view with the surrounding wall removed. as of right now, i have no idea what the map looks like and am...
This reminds me a lot more of Wizard than of Warlock. While Warlock was a crumbling ruin, this map is pristine. It looks absolutely amazing, but...
Agreed. I always preferred Zombie games where Zombies have no shields and humans have a single pistol [no extra ammo]. Especially in Halo 3, the...
pixiedust seems so angry. i guess thats what happens when you spend countless hours building a remake that doesn't play anything like the...
AQUADELTA, i think you might be better off posting this map on the mlgpro forge forums. i'm getting the impression that many of the forge-hub...
asthetically, this is the best map i have ever seen however, i dont think you should have placed the spawn points with so much room behind them....
the only problem i see with this map is the weapon layout & fusion coils. you definitely don't need turrets, shotguns, bruteshots, overshields,...
the good news is the video of your map (plagiarized) hit the top 10 user videos of the week within less than a day of being up
wasnt the old stockpile made by salot? did you ask him for permission to do this? and on another note, salot's maps are notoriously bland with a...