Well they do care :) BSangel posted this
Well it was meant as a joke, but it shows that the Halo gamers that started playing at H1/h2/h3 rated Halo 4 a lot lower than someone whose first...
We proudly present the first Halo community infographic. [img] The response to this survey was really overwhelming. In total there have...
I'm well aware of that and I know the data will be biased. However, I do still think it is interesting to see how the online Halo communities view...
First, I'm not from 343 or Microsoft. Also it doesn't say that season 2 is gonna cost MS points, it only asks if you are willing to pay for it....
A few months have passed since the Halo 4 release. I want to conduct a survey to find out what the community thinks about Halo 4. The survey has...
I've recently launched my first website Gamersuggestions, where I want to provide a platform that bridges the gap between gamers and developers....
So I just need one clip to be captured and it would mean so much if anyone could help me with this. The clip is used for my site Gamersuggestions...
Well there are certain things that have been missed in all previous Halo games, that would make Halo 4 a lot better. I really hope there is some...
Well the point of the thread is that there is a better option to organize our suggestions for Halo 4.
We now have a general impression of how the multiplayer of Halo 4 will play like. Although I'm really impressed with 343's work so far, I think...
I love the new zombie maps (although I don't really see why it had to take 1.5 years), but I don't really get why there is no ammo on the maps? I...
So is there anyway to play Highlands in matchmaking? It was my favourite BTB map in Reach. Aniversery BTB doesn't have it so I'll just have to...
Not really forge related, but to play forge maps, it would be sooo much easier if there was a custom game list. Really, how hard can that be?
I do it all the time, but just because I love to hear the announcer say "Yoink!". The announcer (or whatever you call that guy) of Halo just has a...
The best thing Bungie/343 could do is make Forge City. Some of my favourite Halo maps were in urban environment and unfortunately in H3/Reach...
I'm afraid that I don't have the time to finish this map. So I hope that someone would be interested to forge the rest of Didcat? The most work...
I know that you are kidding, but that is pretty brilliant. It would make for far more fun gameplay than the forklift that was supossed to be in it.
Since the announcement of Forge World I was hoping for Forge City. With remakes of Headlong, Terminal and Turf.... *keeps on dreaming <3*
When talking about map layout I think that every BTB map should loke more like Highland. In a lot of maps vehicles dominate, because they have too...