LOL thanks am glade you like the map but no am not a mod. how is giving someone a 5/5 braking a rule?? i really don't under stand that. but once...
Colored War [IMG]
[IMG] Screenshot title: Colored War Map: Avalanche Date screenshot was taken 05.04.2009 Was your screenshot staged: yes Are you the sole...
Thanks for the suggestions about the vehicles i did have the warthog and mongoose up at the spawn areas but i didn't fill the vibe i wanted :[ but...
thanks tizzle that was a good game of CTF! thanks to every one that has downloaded the map and gave it a go am glade to here all the positive...
hey i would be glade to help you test V2 this map looks sick i like the layout of the whole thing. send me a inv when your going to test it...
yeah i don't really get the point of the map haha .....its a good layout but i just don't really get it.
haha i live on the wasatchfront too i just couldnt think of any thing to call the map so yeah haha :P
thanks for all the good feedback i would of added more cover at the bases but i ran out of money:[. hope you have fun playing the map!
thanks man its always nice to hear good feedback :]
by - skull dice [IMG] -to start of- this map was made for a good team game playing field like flag,bomb,and game types like that if you ask me...
i was remaking the same map and i was doing the same thing with the grass in the middle DANG! >:[. But the map dus look good grate job!
Thanks I didn't think about the sword and sniper thing but like i said i was out of money i couldnt make any more cover in front of the bases. :[
Binded a map made for team games! by-skull dice [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]'Download [IMG] Download gamer tag--Skull Dice this is one of my...