from what i see, all is well. will download and test later tho. you've labeled all old jumps so im hoping tht they're all do-able. some parts seem...
i would scale it down ever so slightly and add more interior aesthetics :D well done otherwise mate
for some reason i cant keep my eyes off the guard tower.. really well done
well done. would be nice to see a NY logo somewhere
looking at the pictures. i love the grassy middle. love the sky light + roof. problems i have with this map is it seems like the roof is to low...
air strike on ship wars
would like to test
i would be interested in testing this
sad face :[
ty pinohkio
hey im yezik. i love halo (duh why else would i be here). more recently i love forge. im here to ask if any one ( or group ) needs or wants...
Hey, I'm new to forum. wanted to know if anyone needed a map tester or assistance in development GT - II yezik II