sounds awesome, athough for future posts make the +'s white or another colour it dosent work with the background
ill be happy to test this. Add the gamertag "adam n tristan.
nice glitch man. try and see if this will lead to a map.
Epic. Nice work, im downloading now
ill take my face off to that. good work
Ill say layout B, it is more obvious and will spread out the fight to other parts of the map
this looks like an exelent map and i would like to test it, although im not with the testers guild
The elite looks bit big and interferes with the border but looks good
noticed the quality from the third episode 3, bit strange but funny good work just subscribed
Ill help with it, Gamertag: adam n tristan
i thing "overhang" would be a good name
Puzzle/Jump YouTube- Paradox Challenge Halo3 Map: : Halo 3 File Details Game Type: : Halo 3 File Details
look in the minigame maps under paradoxchallenge
well there is a link to a video walkthru
An almost infinit puzzle map that tests your puzzle solving skills. The Pictures havent been pasted so it wont ruin the puzzle but I will if...
am but i don't know how to embed pics
i like halo, i have an X-Box, making 'Don't Look Down The Barrel' have some awesome maps i also have some good ideas for maps.