hahahahaha, i just watched that, thats hilarious! if that were me i would have given up after like 10 seconds, or just grabbed sum stickies... lol...
this looks like a poorly dun remake of turf with a few differences in the layout...
thanks guys, if there is anything u c wrong with it though, let me know
i think this map looks really kool, i really wanted to make a map on sandbox for objective gametypes that used all 3 layers of sandbox but never...
thanx man, and for all u people out there who just look at this map and dont like it, whats wrong with it, i could use a lil constructive criticism...
thanks man, tell ur friends!
i reported him, and thnx for the download
thanks for the feedback, and i think that it is awesome that your going to use this map in your communities custom game nights, spread the word,...
the only reason i say max of 10 is because sandbox is actually a fairly small map and by adding more people, you make the map seem smaller and...
it seems like it would b very easy to control the close range weapons and just sit around the corner to the other teams base and spawn camp, but...
r u saying that the merging is bad, bc i thought that there were very few spots that u skip over... and as for the close combat, the middle level...
thanks, and yes i no, the name blows, but iv never really been good at coming up with names for maps and i didnt wanna sit there for an hour or so...
Map Title: Sandy Virginia link to download: Sandy Virginia Players: 4-10 This map is called Sandy Virginia bc i hav change the name, so the...
thnx, and i realized that there could b spawn camping, kinda like in high ground, but i did make sum attacker respawn points up above the grav...
just to clarify... i dont forge all that much, wen i think i get a kool idea, i put it down and c where it takes me, i dont make things 100%...
Map Title: Hells Crypt Players: 4-8 Gametypes: Team slayer, FFA, CTF, Assault, and multi team KOTH Details: i built this map in the crypt of...
Map Title: Mt. Olympus Players: 4-8 Gametypes: 1 flag CTF, 1 bomb assault, Infection Details: this map is built in the sky bubble, it starts...