I guess this just wasent my thing i didnt have too much fun playing it. But congrats on the feature. Im sure if i didnt like it there were that...
As Phreakie says "no one likes steep ramps" ya id fix that. From what i can see it looks like you put the snipes in the middle of the map on the...
Id try and enlarge the pictures. From what i can see the map looks ok, but ill give it a download when the pics are bigger.
Im not going to lie when i downloaded this map i thought it was going to be great, but after playing about 3 times it just stops being fun. Its...
Not enough cover, but its a good start look at some of the other maps and you will get a better feel on what a good MLG map looks like.
I tested this, its great with 5 on 5 to 6 on 6. I only found that the banshee was too powerfull but thats just me.
Good map, but imo a bad idea to do the filter. Ovys also should never be in 1 on 1s.
I gotta say this map looks great, but just dont see any reason for anyone using a warthog on the bridge. If would make the bridge continue more...