the settings are set so that you are invulnerable for 3 seconds(thot that would be enuf)but you cant kill anyone
I've posted a link for a gametype that ensures you wont get spawn killed...for at least 3 seconds anyway
yes the bottom guy can shoot the top guy from the other tower.but the top section of the red tower is made differently to the others because i ran...
when i first planned the map there were supposed to be 4 towers but i ran out of the item *wall, half* which makes it hard to you can see...
ok.ill take the advice of the people and make ramps for each level.v2 coming soon.DL and try this one out first tho and see what you think
the map was originally designed to have 4 towers in a square shape but i ran out of the necessary objects.i understand what you mean about the...
i do insist people DL map and try it out before they criticise
respawn killing was a big issue i adressed,but i couldnt find a way to fix it.after testing the map i realised it wasnt that big of a deal anyway...
nine different respawn points in each section to reduce spawn killing.and of course teammates can help out if problem would you...
POWER TOWERS HELLO! My maps called POWER TOWERS.basically there are two enormous sniper towers,each with 3 vertical sections on each of...
warthogs are for team games so each team can have a hog with 3 ppl in each
this map requires the Mythic DLC took me a long time to build this,edit it,and fix the little things thay wernt 100%.but i finally got it up...
new pics up
this was a very quick map i made for fun.i didnt think of it as a great map myself but my friends thought it was great and told me to post it so i...
i find it fun.....='( i didnt think the map was so amazing myself but i only put it up after friends told me to the screenshot i took wasnt...