Same here i havent been on forge hub in a long time and the last time i was here this was just a sketch up i had no clue it would come out to look... that is how you do the first effect and a plasma picture shot..... i...
if this map doesnt make feature i will be honestly suprised everything thing looks amazingly interlocked i will get some of my friends to play and...
this kind of reminds me of assembly
this mayb a good SWAT map i would try to convert it to one and see how well game play is
he used a game type when u have no gun and when u hit b as a elite u swing your hand
ya i was originally going to make it a slayer map but then i learned how fun SWAT is and converted it and forgot to take off the turret ... lol
no the kill ball will not kill it was a accidentally discovery i made a long time ago if u go i a room totally closed of and but a kill ball on...
UPDATED VERSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a map i made its meant for 2v2 3v3.... ect. if u felt like i sent it up for three teams...
This is a small FFA (4 people is fun) map V2 the only difference is a little smoother floor and less power weapons as heavily requested and...
please if u may show me how u would place weapons on this map i would like to now where u would place things
i now how to thats what i plan on doing
This is a small FFA map V1 i Plan on making V2 soon the only difference in that one will probly be the floor in this version of map the floor is...