Very nice. I've always loved Guardian and Blackout/Lockout, and have wanted to see some similar designs made in Forge. Until now though, I've not...
This does look good. I like the style of it - it reminds me of something that would work well in Halo CE.
Meh, it's cool. Can't expect everybody to like it. But if you have any problems with the layout or with the gameplay or anything, care to tell me?...
Basically, you enter the box, pick up the available weapons and equipment, and then exit through the teleporter at the other end. I suppose I...
I like the look of this one. I'll download and play it later so I can form a full opinion.
Well, yes... but I didn't want to give any one class a massive advantage over everything else. Still, I do like the idea of using turrets. Perhaps...
I thought about adding a turret, but then realised that the guy would then be armed with two heavy weapons, and would have too much firepower....
UPDATE: A second version of the map has been added. Class Warfare B has been designed for those who prefer the Battle Rifle over the Assault...
I never intended the map to look pretty. I simply wanted to provide some solid gameplay with the class system. Whether or not I've succeeded in...
Class Warfare With the outbreak of war, UNION High Command commissioned many of these high tech simulation facilities to train soldiers for the...