damn dude i can't believe you're still here i came back after 2 years lookin for some cool reach maps lol if you dont remember i joined your...
Your right about the cutting corners thing, but i must disagree with the invisibility. It is a big advantage, i'll admit. It aids you in getting...
new video of map: [media]
I know what you mean about the bumps, i updated that a while ago but i forgot to put updated pictures. I put tube ramps so there are no bumps,...
sorry about the bumping everyone im trying to advertise the map!
srry double post
Ya its a total remake of the original on foundry just longer and in my opinion, better
Make the windows bigger so you can throw farther, and ill download
i think it is a good idea because when i view other players who make it to the end they never unblock it. But your right it should be about 3...
It is good but too complicated. Mine is on sandbox was it resembles the original on foundry. I think this resembles "open season"
Yes my friends said that too in the beginning of out testing session. But when you start to play you relize it is plenty enough, really PS....
Duck HuntV2.5 By t0xic insanity In duck hunt your object is to reach the teleporter at the top of the course. While...
I made one a few minutes ago its more challenging. It fixed alot of problems too, i am making the thread now
Very bad way of rating. 1 star off just because it is a remake. Your acting as if i said "I totally made this map and i copied no one" And about...
Duck HuntV2 Made by: t0xic insanity The object of the game,like most people know, is to get to the teleporter at the top. There are 6 levels, or...
i like your post at the bottom, luring people to dl it lawl
i played it and it was great idk what the first guy was talking about
you have 1 hour till the 24 hour mark you better hurry your as up!
you would skip all of the reading, then without testing the map you give it a rating. you fail