me and my coz did a youtube vid I have a video of me doing a little of your map on youtube, you can post it if you like YouTube - Playin on the...
hey its Brownie, what do you know...dude you were the only and first dude w/ recon i played, ha i'll always remember yous... Btw: Nice job...
and actually i really wanted to make this when i download a cops and robbers map the other day and it was nothing like cops and robbers, so i made...
okay, i think about that when i start making another map like this
i agree
Okays first of all, i set it so that the starting point is in the cells, not the respawn points. Next, I would know if the banshee dominated and...
yup, same as the first. I like this one better too, but some of my friends say they like the first one better. Yeah its not the neatest, but it...
lol thanks, and yup pretty pointless, just kind of a hangout spot for large parties
Okay thanks, I'll get right on it...luckily this map has no weapons, just grenades, vehicles, and equipment
lol trust me, it does
Olympus Created by: Arcane knight94 Okay, so i'm not really a slayer map maker, but something told me to make this. This map is a gladiator type...
lol its pretty random, i love when people start it and rant about there being no point then once they die they get all excited, its funny
i understand, i thats what i tried to do. Yesterday when me and my friend were playing on it we actually escaped and got to the hideout a decent...
this looks really, fun i like the classic take on duck hunt and can't wait to play it
this was fun, but i quickly found flaws, if i spawned as an exterminator in the sewer, i could've easily camped there
Death by Ramp 2 Created by: Arcane Knight94 Players suggested:1-8 Gametype: Any Okay so as soon as the mythic map pack came out, I knew I had... a matter of fact, i think they just announced it did actually talk yesterday
Death by Ramp Created by: Arcane Knight94 This was my first real map on Halo 3. I just started posting maps on forgehub so I decided this one...
Dark Prison Created by: Arcane Knight94 Basically what this map is, is cops and robbers on Sandbox. I looked around and couldn't find a map that...
Hey guys, if im on im probably searching for some new maps or posting some of my own, feel free to message me