good forging looks pretty clean, but looks too open and this isn;t just you but it seems like theres an awful lot of maps called "sanctuary" or...
i was making a description for one of my maps and everytime i would get the BLAM? cannot be used on XBL warning. So i removed everything i thought...
Variant has been tested. Following changes have been made: Players can deal no damage and are invulnerable in the presence of the VIP, also they...
i just came up with it, its never been played but me and some friends are probably gonna get some spiltter action going later if anyone wants to...
This is NOT a map variant but something to spice all the race maps out there Please just politely inform me if this has been done already but me...
anyone who was interested, play test, tomorrow, 7 be there
Edit: Now plays Territories which is surprisingly awesome for the map. Fixed some bad geometry on the midline. Changed a few respawns Removed...
I tried to make the map focused on design with structures that were kind of abstract from traditional FPS so it doesn't feel like you're just...
any one's opinions on the gloomy effect would be appreciated, half my friends love it, half hate it and id appreciate any feedbback from people...
Nvm about testers, I posted on the Testers Guild page :)
Edit: Crypt is removed (sword along with it) Team lights were added Couple of new spawn points (nothing ground shattering) Couple of pieces were...
btw, i could use a couple play testers if anyone is interested, my GT is the same as my forum name
thx bro, i designed the map to be power weapon heavy but with only a smart player getting many chances to use those weapons effectively, even...
Well ERTW (Engineers rule the world), my GT is the same as my forum name so if you wanna play just friend me on xbl
Mesa Created by: MeRc 4 HiRe 47 Game Types: Slayer, CTF, KOTH Description Hello all, so this is my first attempt at forge. I bought mythic and I...