He sure gave you one hell of a rusty eagle last night... Aight man. I'm going to check this map out and review it in "my own style" like I USED TO!
1. David Gilmour 2. Jimmy Page 3. Guy plays guitar with feet 4. Jimi Hendrix 5. ME (Shameless plug)
If the baby will be in pain or shame its whole life, but not too late. If the baby can be taken care of, (adequate cloths, healthy, etc.) most...
Yeah, I think I'm going to take the blue pill also. Anyways, thanks for making this thread, Predicide. I usually like these kind-of threads....
I just want to add, last night on the news, three people were stopped for a seatbelt violation and they were charged with bigger crimes than just...
Thanks for the clarification on motorcycle helmets. Yeah, you would figure if you tipped over sideways - a helmet wouldn't help much. Also,...
Wear a friggin' seatbelt. Most of the time it will save your ass. Same goes for a helmet (no offense to anyone on motorcycle helmets-but...
Yeah, I would like to compete in this next time. Maybe, Anyone who was a "smart-a**" this time is automatically dis-qualified for next time....
First of all, I'm not a forum troll. This is what I've heard. I heard that lady that got burnt by hot coffee, actually - her private parts were...
All these people complaining - so I have to put my opinion in... I've had alot of fun on this map so far! I'll agree oddball is a bit of a...
Take away my post count. Try Image Shack. Here's the GOOGLE he was referring to.
Response Check out THIS THREAD on the matter.
The ability to take out all of the geometry/structures except the boundaries, ceiling, and floors.
quotetee hee, your invisible but I still see you... Then I'm not quite invisible, or your a fraud! Hi-jinks.
Yeah, I was going to come back here and post how I got it to work - and see what everybody else has been saying, but you're right. VIP is the...
I know switches are the latest craze, but they don't appeal to me in this map. I have room for six fence boxes already, but the door switches...
I think this guy understands me the most so far (out of the above). The only problem would be the Fighters would possibly spawn in the...
I want to have my 1v1 map where the spectators spawn in the spectator box and the 1v1 gladiators don't. I tried making the starting spawn...
The bunny peeks in matchmaking, custom games, and Forge. Trust me, it's there.
What type of player are you? The Great Memorizer The Great Memorizer- You know where the opposition spawns and where the weapons are, now all...